The Cycle of Webinars for the Semana del Arbol and REVINA that we carry out virtually for the second consecutive year has ended.
The Webinars Cycle was born in the heat of the initiative in 2020, motivated by the need for open and free meeting and training spaces on various topics related to natives that can accompany the actions that we promote and promote from Semana del Árbol. Later, in 2021, the REVINA Webinar Cycle began, with monthly meetings.
Since 2020 we have held more than 100 meetings with the participation of more than 200 experts and references and more than 12 thousand attendees.
Sustaining a weekly cycle for 3 years is possible because it is born from a great certainty: that the exit is joint, that good experiences - those that open paths in the midst of this unprecedented socio-environmental crisis - must be shared and that environmental education It's the key.
Working from a deep conviction is the strength that sustains this daily, urgent and necessary task of promoting the importance and value of trees and native trees, until we all remember that without trees there is no life.
Throughout 2022, more than 50 exhibitors attended the Semana del Árbol and REVINA Webinar Cycle and more than a thousand people attended, in addition to hundreds of others who later relived the meetings on our YouTube channel. We share experiences from different regions of our country such as Entre Ríos, La Rioja, Santa Fe, Mendoza, Tucumán, La Pampa, Neuquén, Buenos Aires, among others, enriching each exchange and strengthening the networks that unite different regions of the country. And, also, we talk about topics such as horticultural therapy, native and exotic, urban forests, pollinators, urban ecology, botanical gardens and nature reserves, and many more.
We especially highlight the passionate and committed work of Elizabeth Fogwill, coordinator of the Webinar Cycle, and Cecilia Claret.
Thank you for joining us and being part of The Semana del Árbol.
We meet again in 2023!