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Earth for All is an international initiative founded in 2020 by the Club of Rome, the Norwegian Business School, the Stockholm Resilience Center and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Impact Research.

Its main objective is to explore solutions to the socio-environmental crisis that we are going through in this century, to guarantee, within planetary limits, the well-being of all the inhabitants of the planet.

Building on the legacy of Limits to Growth and Planetary Limits, science takes center stage in this initiative. Leading scientists have developed dynamic models of state-of-the-art systems and have proposed different scenarios to understand possible futures.

Every year, more than 2,000 right whales, 600,000 Magellanic penguins and thousands of sea lions, dolphins and seabirds arrive on these Patagonian coasts as part of their migratory cycles. Inland, the steppe and the mountains shelter guanacos, pumas, foxes, birds, reptiles and rodents, which make the vast expanses of the plateaus a wonderful place. This natural spectacle of wild wildlife is one of the most important engines of the regional economy, and more than 4,000 families depend directly on this industry in Puerto Madryn.

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Along with the launch of the same, from the Club of Rome Argentina, together with the Club of Rome International and strategic allies, we will be working on the National Commitment Program to analyze to what extent the institutional frameworks and national policies are aligned with the solutions proposed by the report, and what changes and actions can be proposed to promote these transformations in our country.

Earth4All - La Tierra para todos

Earth4All - La Tierra para todos


Sandrine Dixson-Decleve


Co-president of the Club of Rome International and President Earth4All Executive.

Owen Gaffney


Earth4All Narrative Chair and Nobel Prize Impact Director.

Jayati Ghosh


Professor at the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Jørgen Randers


Emeritus Professor of Climate Strategy, School of Norwegian Business.

Johan Rockström


Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Per Espen Stoknes

Per Espen Stoknes

Scientific President of Earth4All, and Professor at the Norwegian Business School.

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Club de Roma Argentina

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