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In Estonia, we participated in the 2nd Global Conversation 2021.

Writer's picture: Club de Roma ArgentinaClub de Roma Argentina

Invited by the Estonian National Foundation of Civil Society, as the main speaker of the international event “Global Conversation 2021: a green, socially sustainable, and digitally integrated world”, the Executive Director of Club de Roma Argentina, Gonzalo del Castillo, exposed along with experts and delegates from different countries, theoretical and practical theories to move forward in the urgent decision-taking to fight climate change, searching to explore and expand the COP26´s strategies and identify more effective citizen actions to help to achieve the Goal 13 of stopping and reverse climate change.

On the debate table - moderated by the MS. Anneli Ohryl, Let´s Do It World (Estonia) Director - also participated, Kädi Ristkok, Head of Climate Department, Estonian Ministry of Environment; Jane Õispuu, Head of Political Team, European Commission Representation in Estonia; Ms. Grazyna PULAWSKA, Associate Director, Asia-Europe Foundation (Singapore); Ph.D. Kaja Peterson, Programme Director Sustainable Development Programme, Senior Expert of Stockholm Environment Institute Office in Tallinn; y Harrison Pollak, Environmental lawyer of California (USA).

Global Conversation 2021 is a high-level international conference that unites representatives from different fields and origins, from the public sector but also from the private, with broad experience and knowledge in issues linked with the formulation of public policies and economic and social ventures for the building of new sustainable development paradigms.

During the encounter, celebrated the last week of August in the city of Narva (Estonia) political leaders, diplomatics, ministerial institutions´ representatives, NGOs and researchers, experts, and global interested parts participated in the discussion panels and workgroups to discuss and share strategies to contribute to the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, in the framework of the current climatic and ecologic crisis.

About Global Conversations 2020-2021

Global Conversations is an international initiative that originated from the association between Estonia, the UK, and Tunisia. It gathers interested participants and parts from many countries of the world, such as Argentina, the United States, the UK, Germany, Greece, France, Egypt, Tunisia, Singapur, South Korea, Japan, among others.

It is supported and led, among other organizations, by the Estonian National Foundation of Civil Society, the European Regional Development Fund, and the Enterprise Estonia.

The Global Conversations 2021 event, held in Estonia, took place over four days, during which an intensive program of high-level discussions took place, with the formation of working groups that were responsible for drafting both the "Tallinn Declaration" - which includes the main strategies and principles that emerged from the Conference - and the "Citizens' Action Plan", which takes the form of a guide with practical recommendations for stakeholders, especially at the local level, in order to make efficient progress in achieving the SDGs at all levels and dimensions.

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