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Model biosystem and
native plant nursery


The Model Biosystem and Native Plant Nursery is an educational and productive project located in the town of Escobar, province of Buenos Aires, in which we articulate, in a circular way, different technologies and processes for the production of native trees and organic foods.

The concept of “Biosystem” refers to a circular and decentralized operation that, emulating Nature, allows waste and residue to be transformed into inputs to generate new products and/or processes with greater added value. In this way, the biosystem works on water, energy and food autonomy, and waste management, strengthening the resilience of the system as a whole.

The project circularly articulates a native tree nursery, organic garden, edible mushroom garden and hydroponic garden, beekeeping, mobile chicken coop, insect hotel, solar thermal energy, photovoltaic solar energy and biodigestion systems, composting technology (with worm farm) and Anaerobic biodigestion for circular waste management, rainwater capture, native fruit forest, pollinator garden, agroecological products, solar pumping and dry toilet.

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Club de Roma Argentina

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Av. Santa Fe 900, 4th Floor - Buenos Aires, Argentina
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